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How Zap Cap Works

Zap Cap

how zap cap works

Punch it, Press It, Push It, Dunk It, Tap It, Zap It!


Hands, both young and old, often find it difficult to remove the stubborn crown and twist caps found on beer, soda, water and juices. Using a conventional bottle opener can prove cumbersome and frustrating.

Well, all that will now come to an end. Zap Cap easily, and almost by magic, removes crown and twist caps with a simple punch of the hand. You'll never have to struggle with your old bottle opener again!

Zap Cap is both fun and easy to use. Simply set it atop your bottle, then, while recalling all those frustrated moments you've had trying to remove those stubborn twist and crown caps by hand, give ZapCap one good punch down and voila -- soda anyone?

Zap Cap also comes equipped with a special magnet that holds the cap after it's been removed, for easy disposal.


See The New Stainless Steel Zap Cap

The best bottle opener in the world
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Stainless Steel Zap Cap
How Zap Cap works
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